Hi, my name is Timor AKA Timz

I am a motion designer, animator, illustrator & storyboard artist. Essentially, I do whatever it takes to craft clear and striking visuals that effectively convey complex messages.

For nearly a decade, I've been immersed in both the dynamic world of broadcast and television, as well as the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing. Throughout this journey, I've crafted comprehensive A-to-Z brand packages and captivating intros for a diverse range of productions. Collaborating with exceptional directors and skilled 3D animators, I've played an integral role in shaping concept development and storyboarding, bringing imaginative visions to life.

Working alongside sales and marketing teams, I've assembled a diverse array of brand portfolios spanning various industries and client personas. Within this role, I've conceptualized, crafted, and delivered commercial assets, explainer videos, and informative tutorials, all meticulously tailored to elevate digital platforms.

Satisfied Clients

Get in touch!

I'm open to a conversation. Whether you're interested in collaboration, presenting a work-related proposition, or simply looking to exchange creative ideas.